Monday, November 9, 2009

What a playdate!

Grady: "Hi I'm Grady"
Penny: "Hi Grady, I'm Penny"
Grady: "Hey Penny, that's a nice dress you have on"
Penny: "Oh, this old thing?"
Grady: "'re so funny!"
uncomfortable silence
Grady: "Wanna go for walk?"
Penny: "That sounds lovely"

1 comment:

  1. Hi Grady, it's your cousin Lucia. Penny seems like such a nice girl. I love her hair. And good job on your first Halloween. Well, have to go cough now. I realized when I do, I get a big reaction from mommy and daddy so I do it all the time now. hehe. you should try it. sneezes work too.
